Each school family is asked to volunteer 20 hours of service to the school throughout the year.
Families enter their service hours directly into their RenWeb account. New families will receive their RenWeb logins during the summer before the start of classes. Service hours have a monetary value of $10 per hour, and families who are missing hours at the end of the year have the option of paying the difference by check or cash.
All persons volunteering MUST be EIM compliant (per Diocesan EIM Policies).There is a one-time submission of a EIM application (online or paper copy) and the applicant must attend a 3 hour EIM Basic Workshop (and a Refresher every 3 years thereafter). To determine when you need to attend a Refresher, or to verify if you qualify to attend a Refresher, visit www.holytrinitychs.org/volunteering.